


I'm Yampier Medina

A Software Engineer

I like AWS serverless computing, React, GraphQL and ES Next.

Job status

Searching, 100% Remote

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I am a Computer Science Engineer (2009) turned to the JS universe. I know SWE, testing, SQA and PM (Lead teams of 20-50 people).

I build secure and scalable cloud apps with AWS Amplify (and other AWS services), maintaining predictability and order in the process from prototyping to deployment.

I care about UX/UI, SEO and performance. Currently learning from the Refactoring UI book and the Tailwind CSS framework. I have also used Bootstrap and Semantic UI.

I use VS Code, Git/Github, Chrome Developer Tools and Amplify CLI daily. I code on a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Series (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) plugged to an external Dell UltraSharp 27 4K Monitor.

I speak English (continuously improving) and Spanish (native).

When I am not coding I like to read or to learn something new -sometimes revisiting or upgrading the level.

Recent learnings (... in the path to Pro):

Epic React workshops by Kent C. Dodds [technical, in progress] and Testing JavaScript by Kent C. Dodds [technical, pending]

Recent readings:

Composing Software by Eric Elliot [technical, in progress] and The Startup Owners's Manual by Steve Blank & Bob Dorf [technical, pending].

The Choice by Edith Eva Eger [non-technical, completed] and Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner [non-technical, in progress].


Money Tracker

personal desktop

JS AWS Amplify GraphQL ReactJS React Hook Form Bulma Git GitHub

Keeping records of every day expenses is hard work. Increasing amount of receipts are prone to be lost or overflow in household drawers. Also hundreds of card transactions that don't show any hint of the store, product or products's category involved.

How to detect trends in the buying habits or how to know the size of the budget still alive?

Money Tracker works to delete present and future personal finance managing issues.

Try the app sign in or use user: test, password: test2020

Github Jobs

personal desktop

ReactJS React Hook Form Github Jobs API dayjs Axios Tailwind CSS Git GitHub

Making API calls is key to web development. This project explored the use of fetch to make API request.

Also it was a way to implement the Github jobs challenge published by devchallenges.io and work on my design skills.

Flexbox and css combinators continue to amazing me.

Portfolio website

personal desktop

Tailwind CSS JavaScript (JS) HTML5 PostCSS Sizzy Gimbal Git Github Gimp

Personal website portfolio created to showcase my projects, skills and to be a mean to interact with employers, clients and developers.

TailwindCSS was a tool very useful to follow a design system and create a custom designed website while taking advantage of its utility-first characteristic to fast prototyping and update.

The project was designed to provide a great user experience and have good performance. Gimp and imageoptim were tools that made easy the process of creating the images needed to respond at different viewport's width and compressing them to achieve better performance.

Lighthouse (Google Chrome Console Tool) and RespImageLint were very useful to detect images issues that affect page performance and user experience.

Image gallery

personal desktop


This project provided a possibility to use CSS Grid while trying to get a responsive website. It includes inline javascript for creating several images of different sizes to fill the grid. This techniques came from the Wes Bos's great course CSS Grid. Also the usage of images was a good intro to analyzing the impact of images size, format and aspect-ratio in the page's performance.

Gimp made easy the process of creating images at specified dimensions. Also imageoptim allows more images's compression to achieve better performance.

Lighthouse (Google Chrome Console Tool) and RespImageLint were very useful to detect images issues that affect page performance and user experience.

Nature at your feet

personal desktop

CSS CSS Grid HTML5 imageoptim Gimp

This project explore the basics properties of CSS Grid and how it allows responsive layouts. The idea also came from the Wes Bos's great course CSS Grid.

It makes it possible to think about image quality, size, format, aspect-ratio and how it affect the page performance and user experience.

It was also useful to practice the usage of Gimp, imageoptim, Lighthouse and RespImageLint.